July 3, 2004
There is more in OPEN MIC ENCORE I July
And even more in OPEN MIC ENCORE II July
Spinning, spinning little spider
How I wonder what’s inside her
Can a thing that freezes my mind
Be said to have the spark divine?
Arachne, Uttu, Sudan’s Tule
Webs their holy woven vestibule
Minute creature with legs of eight
Ancients said sometimes you wove fate
Navajo had Spider Grandmother
Knit the world from the realm called Other
Africa’s Anansi would also weave
Some said it was to teach, or to deceive
As you watch her swing from twig to twig
Know that even though small you can loom big
"Welcome To Earth"
Zero Nothing
Two-faced serpent tongues
Get our millions and turn 'em to ones
Famous preachers and false prophets
Live with wealth, no man can stop it
They walk the Earth looking for a purpose
They scan the land and leave us hopeless
Now we're blind, penny-less, and cold
In man made hell holes we call home
And is it true souls of men stop at a point?
These Earthly wounds won't anoint
Now there's a road to heaven and hell
But we'll soon be dead there as well
And I guess mankind has learned a little
Economic changes have made our souls brittle
The passing of the torch has burned our eyes
And the pure have looked towards suicide
We've been told of forever lasting
and warned of the time that's passing
They've revoked our rights given at birth
With a handshake and a "Welcome to Earth"
A Day at the Beach
Jade Tricia Forester
Malibu lotion streaked across the noses and cheeks
of children running naked in the surf,
their screams piercing the soft silence.
What children get up early to miss the daytime crowds at the beach?
Children whose mothers drag them out of the waves of bed sheets
to the waves of that deep blue.
The seagulls sing a tragic chorus to match the cries of the children
and fathers try to get a decent breakfast
(having been dragged from their slumbers by their wives)
as the women fuss over shivering toddlers,
parachute-like towels layering warmth onto their gooseflesh.
Blue lips and numb toes,
scraped knees and elbows from falling on the jagged rocks-
precious cuts and scrapes engraved into their skin
and their memories
as they drag their own kids from their TVs
for an early morning swim at the beach.
The Elephant Sneezed
Patty Briant Elliott
The zoo’s elephant tease
Was begging me, please-
Give me a peanut
Or some other junk food.
Then over the fence
His trunk he did place,
Sniffing and snorting,
Wanting a taste.
I raised my camera,
Drew nigh his space,
Desiring a close-up
Of this huge face.
Suddenly, the elephant sneezed.
I, nearly fainting,
Fell to my knees
All covered in slime.
Then the hulking beast turned.
So all I did capture
Was his backside
And onlookers’ laughter.
Stone in a Cup of Creamy Coffee
Anwar Putra Bayu
Stone in a cup of creamy coffee
man is alone on vogue
swallowed by the Arjuna fog
These tables here
reflect an old-time voices
then meet in a cup of
Creamy coffee, table and stone
just like people
hiding their histories
I Nengah has looked for Arja
between plates and cups
and a box of cigarettes
Then old-times have itself seen
among fog, pine trees, and apples
and a warp of sugarcane
Stone in a cup of creamy coffee
with her lost voice
I Nengah stands alone on fog
by austyn njoku
You stole the springs
from beneath my heels
my song becomes flat
like a seven-day old palmwine!
distances are dwarfed by time
the gulf in-between breathes
feeds on a cold timeless void
with neither rhythm nor song
fortunes dwindle and rise
without sparkles we used to know
our eyes reflect the truths
often hidden deep in our hearts
yet companions in a communion
distinct in our very uniqueness
you stole the springs
from beneath my heels!
By Mr. Micheal
I can hear the words you refuse to speak; I see them sitting there on your
tongue. The light in your eye is telling me something, the flame speaks a
tongue I never heard before but yet I understand. The feeling I get when we
interlock, the smell that floats in the air. The smile on your face, the touch
of your lips, I swear the buzz is in my ear. When I'm inside of your love, I
just want to say...When my love is inside, do you want to say...? Can you hear
the words that are suppose to be said? Nothing is spoke, words are just
floating around inside our heads. My body screams with each touch, my mind
explodes with every kiss. My ears are longing to hear those words and I know
you feel the same. But we speak nothing and nothing we speak, so now we are
left with nothing but words unspoken.
Paused Passing
Bill Albright
Dame Fortune paused when I hailed her recently
Speeding past me seemed such a shame
As I stood in the shadows where Miss Fortune had placed me
And even I could not recall my name.
This was one try, a last chance
To have a moment center stage in the spotlight
Where even without a name, attention would enhance
A solitary silhouette, frozen with fright.
I see him everyday, on his park bench cloaked in paper
The man who was once within him, is gone like water vapor
I watch his tears wonder as they read between the lines
wonder what he’s thinking as I walk by odorous of expensive wine
I wish I could put my life inside the cup that makes his life
I can at least spare one dollar, a cigarette and a light
But I know there’s no help, he lost hope a thousand to many
He’s mantled forever in that newspaper looking for a thousand penny’s
A facade I wear
To hide my true self from view
Wish I could show me
Nick Thompson
Prabha Trimurty
A dissenter of profanity, I fixed a fine on my darling 9 year olds.
My class of twenty-three angels had an uncanny ability.
To pick up cussing and swearing with alarming frequency.
Mortified by "F"words!” enunciated effortlessly.
"Damn it,” “Screw you,” being their milder use of sacrilege.
Popular media, and playgrounds, ubiquitously tolerate profanity.
Kids succumb to expletives and grow insensate to swearing.
Emulate, cartoon heroes, who thrive on "taboo" words.
How could I teach kids, hemmed into drift of waning morality?
Albeit tolerating, (more likely ignoring) the usage of profanity.
Pointless, reprimanding innocent kids who are learning?
On the other hand, criticize them, for this impasse.
Feeling challenged, by this word choice of merciless jargon.
My only quick fix, was obliterating, this abysmal language style.
By means of substituting words that are unacceptable.
With a “Nincompoop”, “darn it”, “nitwit,” and “baloney”.
Alternatively “ batty,” “phooey”, “dingbats” and
Or, “dimwit,” “shoot,” “fraud,” and “for crying aloud.”
Or else “nutty”, “blast it”, “hogwash” “shoot”, and
Consequence, resulting for voicing objectionable language.
A penalty, a dime, for every blaspheme, into “THE CUSS-BOWL.”
Failed to comply, would be steep, ensuing double up the fine.
Consequently, the “CUSS-BOWL” income will be expended.
To delight, the non-cusses with beneficial rewards.
Thanks to my daughter for ingenious fix.
Tendency of cussing and swearwords is undoubtedly fading.
Profanity inflation, costing them unquestionable bankruptcy.
“The Cuss-Bowl” is slowly but surely weakening, not making money.
A priceless finale, to the callous addiction of indecorous uproar.
by Linda Hayes
Let me take you on a ride
we'll travel through time and space,
destination Africa
birthplace of the human race.
We'll journey back to Africa
to where it all began,
home of the oldest tribe on Earth
known as the San Bushman.
All aboard the time machine
otherwise known as our blood,
we'll have no trouble getting around
with Y-Chromosomes under the hood.
We're going to trace man's origin
and the clues that will lead the way,
are mutated generic markers
that are found in man's DNA.
Through Europe, Asia, The Middle East
our blood trail takes us back,
showing all men paternally related
be they red, yellow, brown, white or black.
Brothers, stop killing your brothers.
Put your weapons down today,
for the proof that we're all related
lies in our DNA.
Life Goes On
by Christina Marie Van-Kellogg
I remember Big Bear Mountain
Those warm and cozy Friday nights
Playing scrabble and going bowling
Before all the yelling and endless fights
Coming home to open arms
Stories of growing up and life on the farms
Staying up and baking pies
A life without fear, a home free of lies
But then something changed, it all went away
I knew it would happen to us someday
But why now when everything felt so good?
Nothing was going the way that it should
Life went on, but I was stuck in the past
Couldn't move onto the future, it was coming to fast
I wasn't ready to move on, at least not yet
All those good memories, I didn't want to forget
But as time passed I started to realize
That as life went on, so must I
So I prepared myself to take on whatever fate had planned next
And life went on
coming to see
by John Paredes
In this world i live in
It seems like everything goes so fast
So that it is wearing me thin
and all of a sudden i'm in the past
And no matter how hard i try to keep up
I always get left behind
Like a lost little pup
Who had gone blind
And then I came to see
to see what I've always longed for
And all I saw was me
Just that and nothing more.
Our Earth
Nelwine Lee Ortiz
The Earth is getting littered,
oh no! What a terrible day,
the planet's getting bigger,
I don't know what to say,
if we work together,
and clean up all this mess
for we can live forever,
and the earth will be the best,
but if you trash the earth,
then we won't live too long,
and the earth would have no worth,
and us people would be gone,
so just protect this planet,
then you will be alright,
and if you understand this,
then the earth will be just right.
she wanted to continue sleeping
into tomorrow or next week
but a voice woke her up
"girl, get up!"
why she said what can I possibly
do to make the world better by
getting up this morning
"girl, where is your song?"
"don't you got a song to sing?"
"you only got one life and you ain't got no song?"
they don't sing here she said
there is never singing here.
George Harrington
I see you there, in that picture so loathed
The memories sting as hundreds of knives
Dark is the world in which we live
We are consumed by the everlasting night
Glass half full look to a brighter day
Glass half empty, find your noose and fall
The world is flat, look out for the ends
The world is round, destroy the diverse
Laughing in pain, of lost times of ecstasy
Lend me your ears and truth will be clear
In your eyes I find my sol free refuge
The walls close in, and I embrace the pain
Hoping to God on high
Is like clinging to straws while drowning
The air is thick, my lungs collapse
The heart is still, closed are my eyes
When you dig my grave, make it shallow
So that I can feel the cool spring rain
Trevor O'Dunn
Here are
Three plangent things:
The falling rain... the Happy
Hour before dusk… the mouth of one
Shut club.
Slow dancing spring rain
ends without a cue from God.
All green and wet and wild.
John R Bushell
A poet's heart bleeds:
he writes using the blood, hopes
the wound will not heal.
Glynn Edgar Symonds
kickin it into gear
there ain’t nothing wrong with the gear,
it turns cognizant of some bigger wheel,
cogged, not clogged, teeth,
keeping it in sync with some purpose
intention of self-expression,
goal in self-expression,
thereby expressing some other dimension
some element that reacts with the ineffable
overwhelming when it touches
the small shell we wrap ourselves into,
the small claim we make of life
the LIFE that wants our happiness,
will spare no expense to fulfill us,
knows no boundaries in its giving,
hasn't got a clue as to what lack means,
will kick into gear any & every
engine to ease our path,
machine for our enlightenment,
“x” to be factored in
the unknown holds no terror…
only an unknown of indifference.
By Thilini Liyanage
When the world is closing in on you
And you are left alone on your own
You feel like everything you hold so true
Are just illusions the world has set up for you
But you come to realize once again
It's you, that matters, it's you that you want
And nothing else can be as good as you
Because even with the people you love the most
You'll only find your happiness in YOU!
And I say, think my friend..
Though many times were there when you felt
You weren't meant to be this way
Though many times were there when you asked,
Is life worth living?
Remember this, every time you think of putting an end...
Life is always worth living because...
Because, Life is a LIFE
by Hunter Aydelott
people see and people go
trance like in the snow
often wonder
what are these things
you may ask
a bit of time
a bit of task
often wonder
when will we open
when will we lapse
when will we view a photograph
and time will not forgive our past
often wonder
The wind
Aneesah Salejee
As the icy wind blows
And lifts all the leaves of the ground
With the little shuffling here and there
I love listening to the sound
Although it’s freezing
And I’ve got a shiver running down my spine
I break away from my usual work
And clear out my mind
I’m drifted into another world
Where it’s peaceful and subtle
Entwined in this world
I feel a huge cuddle
With blankets and fire
My body feels comfy and WARM
Like I’m being sucked in
In a loveable form
I feel a sudden rush of coldness
Creeping up my neck
It continues moving
Until it reaches my back
It was all a dream
That kept me warm and relaxed
It boosted me completely
I wonder what’s next …
Wandering Bird
The wind reaches around and whispers softly,
“Come with me, come with me.”
Dancing, swirling, huge skirts of air.
He wants to go so he will know.
He follows her most willingly.
The moon shines down and words fall out,
“Come with me, come with me.”
Beaming, floating in a dark ocean.
She wants to know so she will go.
She follows very carefully.
A tree tosses branches; seems to sigh,
“Come with me, come with me.”
Waving, waiting, locked in time.
They follow for they want to know.
They trail,oh,so patiently.
Children of Nature, come together!
Dancing, swirling; beaming, floating; waving, waiting—
"Here we are."
Children of Nature are no longer their own.
Captured by Her beauty
They are slaves at Her throne.
jason donovan
gelatinous sea of shadows
incandescent obsidian jet
pulsing , languid
sinuous arms explore
formless mass of darkness
utterly devoid and flawless
hungrily swallowing time
desperately drawing
glistening ripples of black
beckoning , whispering waves of grace
the promise of peace in the lightless womb
the silent depths of viscous fluid
cradle of solitude
Lost in my World
I have no shadow at All
For Reflections are Contrite
Makes no sense to look Tall
Short in puny Stature
I'm a Man without renown
If you're looking for Laughs
Let me entertain and be your Clown
The World is only for Four
Excluding me from out its Front Door
Passionate Person engaging to a Fault
But my World has no Colors
Not A "Friendly's" ice cream or Malt
I was a Boy that had fun,a Teddy Joy
The World back then,was fun to Employ
Backyard Family Frolics
Barbeque on the open Grill
Looking for Snow and no school at all
From the tiniest Contours..
of the living room window sill
Lost in a Dream
Without a Ending,Smile
Hoping for a Friend
To come back again
And make my World Smile..
...At least for a little While
Nihil Obstat
Sometimes I’m lonely,
other times I’m not.
Sometimes I’m quiet,
I think that I’m all I’ve got.
Sometimes I think about
great things that could be.
Sometimes I think about
the soul inside of me.
All the time I write,
like fetters on my legs.
When I don’t want to
my mind practically begs.
To write something down,
to get it all out.
I couldn’t stop doing it,
of that I have no doubt.
To push and to shove,
I do both to me.
But I like the restraint.
I don’t know how to be free
When I’m outside of my mind.
But when I am in my own head,
freedom in there doesn’t mean
that somewhere else people are dead.
Rahnieda Davis
For all you bad girls you are who you
are so make something of it
You live in a sad world cause you had
no one to walk with to talk
Now you feel your life is meaningless so
hear this
You are who you are and don’t ever
change it you just gotta face it and if others
don’t like it then tell them you made it
Through the struggles you faced trying so
hard to fit in when you always felt
out of place
Feel free be who you wanna be agree
with life and follow your dreams let them
know “It doesn’t have to mean
anything to you but it means something to
You are who you are you have to
make people see
They may not understand you but I’m sure
they know what it means to to
chase a dream
Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Sloth and
Greed these are all weaknesses and shoot
us down to our knees we are all
different but we feel the same thing
We all have the same weaknesses we just
experience them differently we’re a different
color yet the color is the same when
we bleed
We are all different so be who you
You are who you are so don’t
change a thing
And if others don’t like it give’em
a kiss on the cheek tell them you
made it just by being who you be
And that you’re gonna keep going
till you can no longer be
My inner heart blows the divine conch
The chariot of affection may soon vanish
Life, thorough the painful years launch
A look into the past, at the youthful crush.
Musings, drift along the clouds of thoughts
The childhood moon and youthful sun peeps,
The stars twinkled through the mid-life acts
But behind a dark cloud, destined they hid deep.
The affectionate parents, their tender care
Their unbound joy and the playful nature
Ah ! The horizon of thoughts is still mature
But the rainbow cannot last long even here.
When all is well, fate begins its wicked games
Snatching age-old memories, it provoke storms
The flowers would wilt when time shrouds
The ultimate to life lurks in search of molecules.
Poems Copyright ©
designated authors 2004.
Page Copyright © 2004.

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